LiveRioTour Rua Bulhões Carvalho, 409 - Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, 22081-000


4 Avaliações
  • terça-feira09:00–17:00
  • quarta-feira09:00–17:00
  • quinta-feira09:00–17:00
  • sexta-feira09:00–17:00
  • sábado09:00–14:00
  • domingo09:00–17:00
  • segunda-feira09:00–17:00

LiveRioTour Rua Bulhões Carvalho, 409 - Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, 22081-000

Sobre o Negócio

LiveRio | Conheça o cartão postal do Brasil através de um nativo que sabe o que o Rio tem de melhor e pela perspectiva de uma estrangeira que foi seduzida pela Cidade Maravilhosa assim que a conheceu, há dez anos. A agência oferece serviços especializados privativos em português, inglês, espanhol e francês para pequenos grupos, famílias e casais, seja para sightseeings, excursões nacionais, transfers, guia pessoal ou hospedagem. Além de produção de eventos e tours regulares que saem diariamente, pode-se também atender grandes grupos de acordo com reserva prévia de pelo menos um dia de antecedência.


Ligue para nós
Rua Bulhões Carvalho, 409 - Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, 22081-000


  • terça-feira09:00–17:00
  • quarta-feira09:00–17:00
  • quinta-feira09:00–17:00
  • sexta-feira09:00–17:00
  • sábado09:00–14:00
  • domingo09:00–17:00
  • segunda-feira09:00–17:00


  • Se identifica como uma empresa de empreendedoras
  • Banheiro com acessibilidade
  • Empresa que acolhe a comunidade LGBTQ+
  • Espaço seguro para pessoas transgênero
  • Assento com acessibilidade
  • Serviços no local
  • Agendamento on-line

Avaliações recomendadas

Dominique Salmon
J’ai adoré !!Une balade de plus avec liverio et franchement les plages sauvages vous ensorcellent ! Le guide a été aux petits soins pour nous et nous a transmis tout son savoirNous en avons eu plein les yeux !Nous n’oublierons jamais cette super journée
Leticia Rojas Sacco
Terrible! My husband and I stumbled upon this place looking for a tour safe for pregnant women, the lady offered a tour to multiple beaches and protected areas in Rio which seemed perfect for us. The tour guide picked us up in his personal car, 15min late which was a bit odd but we didn’t really care. He took us to a beach almost 2 hours away from our hotel and told us he’d pick us up in 1 hour because we needed to hit other beaches. So far fine, at 9:30 we went back to the meeting point, we waited for an hour in a place with no shade and NO RECEPTION! We tried to ask locals for their phone so we could call the guy, finally I found a bit of reception on top of a rock and called him with no answer. Called the agency and they told us to wait and worse comes to worse they would pay for our taxi. We waited, couldn’t even find food or water in the meantime. Finally at 1:30 he shows up like nothing and asks if I’m ok to continue because I was clearly not ok, I was hiving up from the heat. We told him we just wanted to go back and get our money back to which he gave us a bunch of excuses and said I can ask the agency. After we got back, they closed their offices before 5PM which was four hours before their closing time at 9 PM, and never again picked up their phones. Terrible experience does not even begin to cover it.

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Rua Bulhões Carvalho, 409 - Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, 22081-000